Brand New BlogStars – July – September

Well, again it was an extremely difficult choice. Why do there have to be so many talented people applying at once?! Remember though, anyone not chosen will be reconsidered in September when we choose the October – December BlogStars!!

So, who did we choose? And why? (in the order they sent in their applications)

Suzanne Czosek

Suzanne has a lovely style that will blend so well with our Fran•tàge look. Her pictures were beautifully photographed in good light, her directions were clear, concise and easy to follow, and her blog is upbeat and fun! Plus, she’s a sucker for Stampendous Embossing Powders and we have to agree they’re the best!! Here’s an example of Suznne’s work. We think you’ll agree she’s an ideal choice. Visit her at her blog

Ranunculous by Suzanne Czosek

Cindy Coutts

Ok..Cindy is talented, there’s no doubt of that. Her style seems simple and understated, but when going through the applications Stampendous Art Director Lisa Hindsley and Graphics Manager Laura Weed (that’s me) both gasped and said, “WOW” in unison when this card opened. It’s so unexpected, stunning, an amazing use of color, design, blessed white space, and! Of course Cindy had me at the expertly packaged zip files with three photos (beautifully lit and photographed) and an MSWord document for each sample she sent. Sigh… I think I’m in love…(but not in a creepy way…LOL) Join Cindy on her blog at

Just a Note by Cindy Coutts

Melinda Gleissner

Melinda is going to be our relative newbie this time. Things worked out so well with Krissy last time we thought we’d make it a tradition! Melinda made us cry by giving us complete credit for her addiction to stamping. She’s followed our blog, entered our Sketch Challenges (we really appreciate the folks that take the time to do this!!), follows us on Facebook, and in her own words, “If it weren’t for the fabulous ladies that make up your design team I wouldn’t have had the courage to create my own blog or flickr photo gallery, I wouldn’t have become Copic Certified at both the standard and intermediate levels and I certainly wouldn’t have the dream of being a part of a design team. Through your kindness and inspiration I have found great joy in creating cards. It has truly been a blessing. Thank you.In our words, “awwwwww”. Ok…we’re hooked! Plus, Melinda sent us a sample with such old stamps, we decided she really needs some new ones!!  In seriousness, though, her directions were clear, her sample was clean and neat and cheerful, and she’s a piano teacher.  Join her on her relatively new blog (soon to be full of Stampendous samples) at:

Wishing You Happiness by Melinda Gleissner

Piali Biswas

Piali may be last on this list, but she’s sure not least!! She’s been following us on YouTube, our blog, Facebook, Twitter, and commenting on everything we do since we started our Social Marketing in the beginning of 2009. She’s participated in everything we’ve done, and we’ve loved watching her art develop and grow. Plus she lives in India…and how cool is that??!! We can’t wait to get an international perspective on all we do here! Her cards are fun, full of color, well lit and photographed (noticing a trend here?), and her directions and blog posts are upbeat and happy. We’re excited Piali will finally get a chance to play with us! We love the way she merged two very unexpected images here, and we think you’ll find her sense of excitement contagious. Join her on her blog at:

HB2U by Piali Biswas

Congratulations to our four new BlogStars! We loved everyone’s entries, and we so appreciate everyone taking the time to apply. So many of our applicants are talented, active on our sites, and huge fans of Stampendous. It was really tough to choose. Please stick with us, and allow us to consider you again next time. But for the next three months, sit back, enjoy some amazing work, and let our new BlogStars entertain you!

19 thoughts on “Brand New BlogStars – July – September

  1. THANK YOU Stampendous!!!!!
    YAY!!! I’m super excited ….love,love,love Stampendous products .I’m so honored to be a lil’part of this amazing team!!!


  2. Super excited to see my name on the list this morning! Thank you Stampendous for the chance to showcase your wonderful products! Looking forward to the next few months!


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