Layered Paper Bezels with Debbie Cole

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We’re still at the Craft and Hobby Association Trade Show. The Wifi here is TERRIBLE, but we’re sending all the peeks we can when we get to the rare hotspots around the show area.  Thanks for your patience.

Our booth demonstrations have been going really well. We’re processing the videos from them as fast as we can. Hope you had a chance to see Debbie Cole’s brilliant new jewelry creations, but, in case you missed it, here’s a peek!

Layered Bezels and Pendants


We just love this idea! We have had lots of generous companies donate bezels for our jewelry creations featuring stamps and resin, but the ability to make our own bezels using our Pop-Up Die Set is just sooooo thrilling. And when you combine the gorgeous painting talent of Debbie Cole, well, you just get some stunning results. Here’s a closer look! (you can click on it to make it larger!)

Paper Bezel Necklaces by Debbie Cole
Paper Bezel Necklaces by Debbie Cole


6 thoughts on “Layered Paper Bezels with Debbie Cole

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