Witches’ Brew Weeeeek!

This week we’re exploring the witchy stamps from our Stampendous Halloween  2013 collection! We’ve come up with some really spooky fun designs this year! Our most popular is definitely Mirror Mirror! Here’s a look in wood mounted, it’s also available in Cling Rubber™:

R176 Mirror Mirror
R176 Mirror Mirror

This stamp is fantastic as a background or as the focal point of a card or scrapbook page. Our fantastic friends at Hot Off the Press have created a terrific card using this stamp and they’ve got a complete video tutorial available.  The video here covers a lot of their Halloween products (and lots of ours), the Mirror Mirror card starts at 13:20 if you want to skip to the “good parts”… hee hee heeee.

Of course our Design Team are also getting witchy with it this week! Here’s where you can see some more inspiration!

Krissy Fossmeyer

Jamie Martin

Cyndi Bundy

2 thoughts on “Witches’ Brew Weeeeek!

  1. Oh my gosh, that you for the great video and ideas. Love the technique with the embossing power, sparkle stuff. I want to try that.


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