Dreamweaver and Embossing A to Z


Steampunk Embossed Canvas by Fran Seiford

It’s another fabulous day on our week with techniques from Fran’s book on embossing powders and our team has gone a step further adding Dreamweaver Stencils into the mix of supplies. Here are a few card projects below from our stenciling expert designers, Pam Hornschu and Louise Healy.

Royal Peacock
Royal Peacock by Pam Hornschu
Daisies Card by Louise Healy

The technique they used was the Molten Magic with letter”P” and is a popular one with our design team for a great effect on cards and scrapbook pages. We can’t wait to see how the designers today combine their stencils with a technique from the book.

Pam Hornschu (DW and Embossing)

Alison Heikkila (DW and Embossing)

Lea Fritts (Embossing)

Laura Drahozal (DW and Embossing)

3 thoughts on “Dreamweaver and Embossing A to Z

  1. Fran’s book is da bomb! I love trying the techniques listed in it and have learned so much more about embossing since I got it!!! So glad she is wiling to share her vast knowledge with us!!! TFS!


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