We have WINNERS!!

Hello Blog Hoppers!! Did you just have a blast hopping around the blogs last week? Aren’t those Maya Road girls talented? To say nothing of the talented gals on OUR team!! Wow…what a ton of inspiration for some great gifts and greetings!

Well those of you that worked hard, clicked your mouse, and made it around to comment as much as possible deserve a reward. So it’s PRIZE TIME!

Now, remember, Maya Road did their own prize package. I checked their Design Team Blog and their Facebook Page today, and it doesn’t look like they’ve drawn their winner yet. So keep checking there to see if you’ve won.

But here at Stampendous we’ve got three packages up for grabs, so let’s get some Random.org working and see who our winners are!  First we chose three of our Design Team Blog Posts for the week, and then we chose one comment from each of them.

From Jamie Martin’s Friday post:


From Krissy Fossmeyer’s Friday post:

Katie B

From Stephanie Lee’s Friday post:


Remember, you need to have a US address for us to send your goodies! If you’ve won, please email us at submissions@stampendous.com with your full name and address so we can get your prize right out to you!

Thanks so much to everyone who took the time to hop around and comment on all the posts! We so appreciate your comments, they make us want to make more and more wonderful stuff. Every time you leave a comment, we smile for the rest of the day!

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