Stampendous and Deflecto Craft Blog Hop Winners!

Deflecto Stampendous Blog Hop Logo

What a great hop! It is always fun to see what our designers will come up with during collaborations with other companies. We had a great time and the design teams from both companies were so creative with their projects. If you missed the hop last week take a look through our Pinterest gallery for ideas and links to all the designer projects.

Now on to our lucky winners!  Three prize packages were available to three visitors who commented on our posts from the hop with Deflecto. Each prize package includes a Cling Woodland Stamps Set plus it’s matching dies and a Jumbo Perfectly Clear Acrylic Stamp Handle.

CRS5087 Cling Woodland Friends Rubber Stamp Set, DCS5097 Woodland Friends Die Set SSH57 Jumbo Perfectly Clear Acrylic Stamp Handle

The three winners of our prize packages are:

Lea Fritts Thursday Post

Cindy deRosier

Wendy Price’s Monday Post

Amanda Rhodes

Marilyn Gossett’s Friday Post


Congratulations! Please send your mailing address to us with a Subject title “Deflecto Hop Winner” to

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